September Akashic Records Forecast
Every month, Verde’s founder, Crystal, takes time to connect with the Akashic Records to bring back wisdom for our times from her Guides. The Akashic Records are believed to be the storehouse of every thought, word and deed of every living being- good, bad and otherwise- throughout the times- past, present, future. The records themselves do not place judgement or imply penalty in their testimony — they are said to simply be a record of each soul’s journey through the infinite. The specific energetics + subsequent impact is contextualized by the conditions that things manifest.
Crystal is available for readings, to help guide you toward understanding, healing, and to enrich you on your connection to your life path. Readings are a beautiful resource for anyone who wants to see the bigger picture, find the purpose behind current events, understand the past in this lifetime, uncover past lives, and gain clarity around certain people/places/or things. After the year we’ve all had, a little insight can go a long way!
Don’t water the seed of fear.
Logic serves us all as it is something that is not outside of your intuition. Logic sits within us all, for reason is a tool that helps us navigate this life, like our emotions. Do not set it aside because fear has planted itself within your psyche, for fear robs you of your intuition.
You are not alone in this pandemic as there are many serving humanity in this time. Please don’t remove the governance of your logic because of fear. Use your common sense to navigate this new reality that exist. What you are being asked for your safety & for the common good of humanity is not much. We can over come this together and only together.
What affects one, affects all and what benefits one, benefits all. This is the time to think beyond yourself and your own, to think of your neighbors and community. You have lost the way of what governs all things - LOVE, HOPE, JOY, and TRUTH.
For all that has faded into the darkness is now coming to light - the illusion of separation that has been fed to all. The sense of superiority by the idealism of money, culture, society and so on is not manifested by you but fed by one seed: greed.
Remember that we are all one consciousness.
This can be a momentary experience but it depends on each and all.
Crystal Dorado