This workshop offers us an opportunity to give ourselves the loving attention we so deserve with self-massage techniques intended to relax and increase our connection to self.
by Olga Steele
In a world where touch is less frequent, we probably don’t even know how much we long for physical touch. Come to this workshop and discover how beautiful it can be to ease aching muscles, let go of tension and put ourselves first. We'll offer you strategies to get grounded, increase circulation, and feel better today.
Please bring a yoga mat or towel for sitting on and a tennis ball if you can. All bodies are welcome and variations will be offered based on differences in mobility and ability.
All of the Wellness Wednesday gatherings are FREE, with a suggested love donation of $5-10. Donations can be made to Viva la Verde, our community health fund. Sign up below, no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.